so what is Bikram yoga?...
it's a system combined for mind and body and the classes runs 90minutes consisting of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercise. it is practiced, in a high heated room of 40.6'C..hot hot heat..in 5 minutes, i sweat so so much and by the time i finished, i felt literally like i was having shower, yes shower of sweats for whole 90 minutes!!! came out of class feeling incredibly light, mind and body and so DE-stressed
it's a lot more expensive than going to normal yoga classes but hey for you that wants better posture, better breathing system and of course better hot yummy body ( yes waves hands high up in the air...ME! ME! lol) , go for it, you would be amazed...
p/s: now i need a yoga mat, going to buy the CD, and buy myself 5 heater so i can burn my room and do it myself, saves money...lol!!
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